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Artemia Nova Editrice Gerald Forsythe a magnificent Santa Claus – dal libro “Lino e il microfono”

3 Dicembre 2015

Gerald Forsythe a magnificent Santa Claus – dal libro “Lino e il microfono”

Quest’anno, Babbo Natale, ha anticipato la sua visita in casa Forsythe- Wilkins, portando in dono un bel pupattolo battezzato ….Hunter!!!!!

Ci associamo alla gioia della nonna, delle numerose zie e di nonno Gerald, personaggio di meritato valore e rispetto.

Inviamo sentiti festosi duplici auguri alle famiglie.

Benvenuto Hunter, pronipote della famosa dinastia Forsythe!!!!!!


Forsythe e Linobassa-Copertina-Manocchia

Thirty-five years ago, in Las Vegas, we first met and a friend ship grew. I’m talking about the industrial magnate Gerald “Jerry” Forsythe, born in Marshall, Illinois, on a 179 acre farm that his father owned. The farm was small with only 137 acres of tillable land and Jerry felt it was not large enough to operate and raise a family so the young Forsythe looked elsewhere for employment. Today Jerry Forsythe owns a large company named INDECK with 75 active engineers. His products are sold throughout the world.

I was fortunate to get to know this gentleman in the true sense of the word. He is affable, considerate, courteous, with a didactic tone instilled by experience. In 1995, Jerry expanded his businesses by organizing open wheel racing on three tracks he built in Monterrey and Mexico City, Mexico as well as Rockingham, England. He also formed two successful race teams and they soon found themselves on the podium.

Founding CHAMP CAR he created a great sensation, but abandoned the project 8 years later, tired of the incompetence of the managers of Indy. He continues his business pursuits by expanding his interests in the profitable business of golf courses. His golf courses are scattered in 5 states and were included in the “Retreats” section of the Touristic Guides. The last course, Blue Harbor, was purchased a few years ago on the shores of Lake Michigan in Sheboygan, (WI). The lush “Garland Resort” in Lewiston, Michigan, has 3 thousand acres and 4 courses.

My introduction to Jerry Forsythe of Italian driver Teo Fabi was an interesting move for Forsythe. The former ace Fabi, an aeronautical engineer, from Milan, Italy joined the elite two car Forsythe team. During the 500 mile Indianapolis 500 race of 1983 Teo sat on pole and was leading by a large margin but stopped for his first refueling causing him to drop to thrid.

The story of my friend Gerald is vast, interesting and requires time and space, and his story is worthy of a book – such as this one that will be published by Artemia Publishing House. The book will be edited by the dynamic director Teresa Orsini. (N.d.r. )

The author has learned much about the activity, the way of thinking, multifaceted, untiring industrial tycoon, who holds the position of Chairman of INDECK.

Often, as guest on his private jet, the writer has had the opportunity to learn news that otherwise would have seemed beyond belief. Such as the last exploit involving the purchase of a large area of land in Paso Robles, (California) with an exquisite vineyard where Italian wines are produced. Without a doubt, the mind of this Illinois native knows no rest! Exquisite vintages are bottled from the 400 thousand gallons of Pinot Gris,Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot.

Categoria: Maria Teresa Orsini
Autore: Artemia Edizioni

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